The Wee Writing Lassie’s Top Eight Songs on her Period Playlist: The Second Song

Perfect Songs for when you’re on your Period

Fuck You by Lily Allen – Day Seven

Ah, has there never been a more truer words spoken in song.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, and would like to see the rest of the songs on the original playlist, why not check me out over on Spotify and remember to follow the Wee Blog if you haven’t already. And hop on over to X, Instagram, Mastodon, Threads, Pinterest, Tumblr, TikTok, Youtube, Goodreads, Kofi and Facebook where I am also active. Until next time, stay safe and have a very bonny day. Also sign up to the Wee Mailing List by the end of the month to find out what the number one song is. So until next time, stay safe, and have a very Bonny day.

The Wee Writing Lassie’s Top Eight Songs on her Period Playlist: The Third Song

Perfect Songs for when you’re on your Period

Show me some Mercy by Noah Guthrie

I find his voice very soothing, maybe you will too.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, and would like to see the rest of the songs on the original playlist, why not check me out over on Spotify and remember to follow the Wee Blog if you haven’t already. And hop on over to X, Instagram, Mastodon, Threads, Pinterest, Tumblr, TikTok, Youtube, Goodreads, Kofi and Facebook where I am also active. Until next time, stay safe and have a very bonny day. Also sign up to the Wee Mailing List by the end of the month to find out what the number one song is. So until next time, stay safe, and have a very Bonny day.

The Wee Writing Lassie’s Top Eight Songs on her Period Playlist: The Fourth Song

Perfect Songs for when you’re on your Period

Anti Love Song by Betty Davis – Day Five

I am in no mood to feel love while I am bleeding, please hand me an Anti Love Song instead.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, and would like to see the rest of the songs on the original playlist, why not check me out over on Spotify and remember to follow the Wee Blog if you haven’t already. And hop on over to X, Instagram, Mastodon, Threads, Pinterest, Tumblr, TikTok, Youtube, Goodreads, Kofi and Facebook where I am also active. Until next time, stay safe and have a very bonny day. Also sign up to the Wee Mailing List by the end of the month to find out what the number one song is. So until next time, stay safe, and have a very Bonny day.

The Wee Writing Lassie’s Top Eight Songs on her Period Playlist: the Fifth Song

Perfect Songs for when you’re on your Period

I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At the Disco

I enjoy the image of screaming at someone screaming at a group of gossipers, it happening at a wedding just makes it all the funnier. And don’t we all deserve to laugh a little in the terrible world of ours.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, and would like to see the rest of the songs on the original playlist, why not check me out over on Spotify and remember to follow the Wee Blog if you haven’t already. And hop on over to X, Instagram, Mastodon, Threads, Pinterest, Tumblr, TikTok, Youtube, Goodreads, Kofi and Facebook where I am also active. Until next time, stay safe and have a very bonny day. Also sign up to the Wee Mailing List by the end of the month to find out what the number one song is. So until next time, stay safe, and have a very Bonny day.

The Wee Writing Lassie’s Top Eight Songs on her Period Playlist: The Sixth Song

Perfect Songs for when you’re on your Period

La Vie en Rose ( Both the French and the English Versions) by Con O’Neil

Because…I’m in pain, why do I have to give a coherent answer.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, and would like to see the rest of the songs on the original playlist, why not check me out over on Spotify and remember to follow the Wee Blog if you haven’t already. And hop on over to X, Instagram, Mastodon, Threads, Pinterest, Tumblr, TikTok, Youtube, Goodreads, Kofi and Facebook where I am also active. Until next time, stay safe and have a very bonny day. Also sign up to the Wee Mailing List by the end of the month to find out what the number one song is. So until next time, stay safe, and have a very Bonny day.

The Wee Writing Lassie’s Top Eight Songs on her Period Playlist: The Seventh Song

Perfect Songs for when you’re on your Period.

I’m Too Sexy by Right Said Fred

I think this song speaks for itself.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, and would like to see the rest of the songs on the original playlist, why not check me out over on Spotify and remember to follow the Wee Blog if you haven’t already. And hop on over to X, Instagram, Mastodon, Threads, Pinterest, Tumblr, TikTok, Youtube, Goodreads, Kofi and Facebook where I am also active. Until next time, stay safe and have a very bonny day. Also sign up to the Wee Mailing List by the end of the month to find out what the number one song is. So until next time, stay safe, and have a very Bonny day.

The Wee Writing Lassie’s Top Eight Songs on her Period Playlist: The Eighth Song

Periods! Blood! Internal Bleeding! Come back, I’m trying to talk to you! There, are all the squeamish people gone? Good. Now, to business. I, like a large percentage of humanity, have periods about once a month. Now periods both due to patriarchal culture, and just the simple nature of how painful and messy they can be are often something we feel deep discomfort talking about. But why? It’s just blood, just the lining of the womb slothing off after our egg has failed to be fertilised that month? What’s so terrible about that, so terrible several of you have no doubt already clicked away? I think we need to talk about it more, after all it’s something that most of us will either experience ourselves sometime in our lives or will be in the vicinity of someone experiencing it. It doesn’t hurt to be a bit more honest and open about it.

And in the spirit of that I’d like to share that I get very painful periods. Agony, is a word that suits them very well. I do take pain meds but they don’t always do a great deal, it’s so much pain it’s very difficult to think at all…which for a writer is slightly unfortunate. But what can you do, you just have to ride it out and hope next month it’s slightly better. So what I do, when I don’t have to work, is lie as still as I can, close my eyes and listen to my music. That is to say, yes, this has all been a very elaborate way of plugging one of my Spotify playlists. Now as it’s quite a long playlist, so obviously I won’t be putting every song down here, so if you’re interested I suggested clicking on the link below to catch the full playlist and see if you can guess which songs will make the cut.

Perfect Songs for when you’re on your Period

Christmas is All Around by Billy Mack

Because sometimes you just want a little fun when you’re in pain.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, and would like to see the rest of the songs on the original playlist, why not check me out over on Spotify and remember to follow the Wee Blog if you haven’t already. And hop on over to X, Instagram, Mastodon, Threads, Pinterest, Tumblr, TikTok, Youtube, Goodreads, Kofi and Facebook where I am also active. Until next time, stay safe and have a very bonny day. Also sign up to the Wee Mailing List by the end of the month to find out what the number one song is. So until next time, stay safe, and have a very Bonny day.